It's May! Yeah!
May is probably my favorite month of the whole year. It's like New Years to me. It's a time of new beginnings, new life, and oh the sunshine! How I love the sun!
I have so many things to look forward to this month, and more things to try to accomplish on my projects list.
Things I'm looking forward to:
Mother's Day this weekend. I can't wait to spend the weekend with my mom. She's awesome, and deserves to be honored for all her mom work she's done for me and my brother. In addition to being with my mom, my brother, Justin will be here home from San Diego. I'm so excited to see him, and I'm already dreading leaving and saying good bye. (I'm so very glad this is his last time to go underway.) Anyhow, we've got a little surprise planned for her.
The following weekend will be my very anticipated trip to Austin (yeah I know we go to Austin every other weekend, but this time it's for something great.)
The Renegade Craft Fair will be going on, and I plan on being there when the doors open. There are so many cool crafters I'm dying to meet, things to learn, and lots of ideas to get...and hopefully some awesome items to purchase.
I hope to meet this person, because I pretty much
envy her. And well anytime in Austin is a good time to me. Sixth Street? We'll see. Depends on if Kid is in tow. I'll be letting you know how it goes!
Miss Neely will be out of town for the second half of the that's always nice. Grown up time. Means hopeful crafting time for me.
We're planning another trip to the river with some friends for Memorial Day Weekend.
May 26th will be the THREE year anniversary with Wonderful Husband!
School will be out, meaning Wonderful Husband will be home and relaxed, and on top of the piles of laundry and mowing *wish*
Projects I plan to finish this month:
Make a cute strapless dress from the lovely black fabrics I purchased
Make outdoor pillows for the furniture
Paint the outdoor furniture
Buy a new umbrella for the deck
Treat myself to nice undergarments
Make myself a camera strap
Projects I hope to start:
Pull up the deck
Paint the kitchen cabinets
Saving my allowance for Fathers Day gifts
Purge Neely's closet and clothes
Make Neely's quilt from her old baby clothes